10 Inspiring Bucket List Ideas
Nobody likes to think about death. That hard stop at the end of our lives can make everything we do seem pointless. A bucket list is an amazing tool to take that notion and slap it in the face. By making a bucket list, you are returning the value of your life to the experiences that you have, and can be a huge source of inspiration and drive. Below, are some of the most inspirational and life changing experiences that people can do to really give value to their life.
- 10 years ago by NathanHutchcraft
1 - Live in a Different Country
As anyone who has ever traveled can tell you, spending time in another culture can really deepen your life. Experiencing the similarities and differences between people from other places can really ground you and show you how diverse and amazing life really is.

2 - Learn a New Language
Similar to living in a different culture, learning a new language is a great way to open your ability to communicate. Learning a new language isn't just learning new words, but also learning new metaphors, figures of speech, and phrases that can really change the way that you think.

3 - Write a Book
Writing a book is something that nearly anyone can do. Everyone has a story, and getting to share that story with the world can be extremely rewarding.

4 - Run a Marathon
Running a marathon is an extremely difficult task, but the growth you get isn't just from running the marathon, itself. The amount of training you need to do in advance to get ready can be an amazingly fulfilling experience. Not only will you be getting your body into great shape, but you will also have more time to think and meditate while you are training.

5 - Go Skydiving
For many people, skydiving is the epitome of overcoming your fears. Whether or not you are afraid of heights, anyone would would be scared to free-fall through the air. By overcoming this fear, many people feel more confident and in control of their lives after the experience.

6 - See the Aurora Borealis
Witnessing some of the amazing aspects of nature and the world can be very humbling. The Aurora is a perfect example. It can remind you how insignificant you are in the scale of the universe, which can be very comforting.

7 - Learn to Play an Instrument
Just like learning a language gives you a new way of thinking, learning to play an instrument can to, as well as a new way to move your body. Also, playing music opens up opportunities to collaborate and make art with others, which is an amazing way to interact with someone else.

8 - Backpack Across a Country
Most tourists are drawn to the most popular areas; going to museums and attractions in the heart of the biggest city. This can be a great deal of fun, but doesn't give a very accurate representation of what that place really has to offer to it's inhabitants. By backpacking, you are forced to see every corner of the place, and meet people that you wouldn't otherwise meet.

9 - Help Someone in Need
It's no secret; Life gets hard. Life gets difficult for everyone. At some points, everyone needs help from someone else. By being the person to provide that help to someone who is in a time of need, not only are you going to help them get through their rough patch, but the experience can be very rewarding to yourself, as well. Plus, maybe you will need the help of someone one day, and people will be more willing to help you if you are the type of selfless person who is often helping others.

10 - Tell a Loved One What They Mean to You
We usually know in our hearts that we are loved by the people we care about. It seems like, more and more, it isn't a regular activity to share your feelings with others. Telling someone how important they are to your life will make a huge impression on them and deepen your relationship even further.

Nathan Hutchcraft is the creator and co-host of the YouTube web series, NathanAndRose. He also writes for several online sources, as well as having a nearly insatiable love for jalapeno pizza.