9 Ways to Make a Good Impression
In today's world of cell phones, social media, hashtags, global internet, mars rovers, 3D printing... ok, you get the idea. In today's heavily connected world, sometimes we lose some face-to-face human interaction skills. But, engaging with another person in-the-flesh can be extremely rewarding and help to form strong relationships. Here are some great tips for making a good impression from a video made by the social geniuses over at BuzzFeedVideo. Enjoy! Full Video: https://youtu.be/V-mR66UW8NI
- 10 years ago by NathanHutchcraft
1 - Make Sure Others Have a Good Time
The main goal (and theme throughout the rest of these tips) is to think about others. By making sure others are comfortable and having a good time, they will associate that good time with you and want to spend more time with you.

2 - Avoid Groups of Two
When a third person joins a two person conversation, it completely changes the dynamic of the interaction; at the very least, feeling the need to catch the person up on the conversation, which can be annoying. Try to join groups of three or more, as it will make for a smoother transition in conversation. Also, if there is a lone person who looks bored, or if they seem to be looking for a chance to talk to someone, then feel free to approach them. However, someone on their phone or who looks closed off may not want to be bothered, so use social caution.

3 - Approach People with Confidence
If you are wanting to meet someone and are hoping they will come to you, you are going to be wasting a lot of your time, and missing many social opportunities. Don't feel uncomfortable about engaging the first interaction with someone. If they are open to meeting someone, as well, then they will most often be welcoming. If not, then don't worry and move on; the next person might be your best friend one day! Make sure to stand up straight, smile, and make eye contact to make the best first impression.

4 - Ask About Them
When people are talking about themselves and things they know, they tend to feel more comfortable. Make sure, when talking to someone else, to ask for their opinions and experiences on different topics, and they will have a much higher chance of enjoying the conversation.

5 - Talk about Food
It might seem like a boring subject of conversation (kind of like talking about the weather), but in fact, many people hold many opinions on food. Socially, food is often even looked at as a form of art and an important part of culture. So if you find yourself in an awkward silence or the group seems to be lacking conversation, ask about everyone's favorite pizza place and everyone will have something to add!

6 - Stay Engaged While on the Phone
We have a tendency to lose energy while talking on the phone. Since the other person isn't actually here with us, we don't use as much expressiveness and body language; this can have an effect on your attitude during the conversation. Try to stand up (maybe even walk around), and smile and interact as if you were with someone. This will make your personality shine, even through the phone lines.

7 - Think Before you Answer
When talking to someone, over the phone or otherwise, you should wait a few seconds before answering a question. This will make sure you have time to process what you want to say, and help you to be more relaxed and anxiety-free.

8 - Let Others Join the Group/Conversation
Make sure others feel comfortable joining your group. They will likely appreciate it, and correlate you to with the good time they have; making them want to spend time with you again in the future.

9 - Make a Pleasant Exit
Walking away from people, unannounced, will make them feel as though you don't care about them or what they have to say. If you are leaving a conversation, politely excuse yourself. If you just met anyone in the group, make sure to tell them it was nice to meet them.

Nathan Hutchcraft is the creator and co-host of the YouTube web series, NathanAndRose. He also writes for several online sources, as well as having a nearly insatiable love for jalapeno pizza.