10 Minion-Inspired Things
Made popular by the 2010 film, 'Despicable Me', the cute little yellow Minions have become a cultural icon for kids and adults alike. This weekend, their own movie, 'Minions', will be released across America. Get ready for the release by checking out some of these products and art inspired by the Minions, themselves.
- 10 years ago by NathanHutchcraft
2 - Minion Mug with Cookie Nook
It looks like he's eating the cookies! I'm totally on board with this.

3 - Minion Dress
There are tons of Minion-themed dresses to be found online, but I like that this one is styled to be worn by kids or adults. (Note: That doesn't mean there won't be a sexy minion costume in this list. Please read on.)

4 - Minion Keyboard
I have been staring at this thing for several minutes trying to figure out how to tell which keys are which. So, probably recommended for someone who has the keyboard memorized... which is not me.

6 - Minion Art
There has surely been thousands of Minion fan art made in the last few years, but this is one of my favorites.

7 - Minion Skirt
This cute skirt steps away from the trend of 'let's make our product actually look like a minion', and simply depicts a small minion cartoon while matching the color scheme, making this skirt more subtle and very adorable.

9 - Minion Car Decal
Make sure everyone on the road knows you love Minions with this little guy peeking out of your window.

10 - Sexy Minion Costume
And yes, you and your friends can even start your own sexy Minion gang. What a world we live in.

Nathan Hutchcraft is the creator and co-host of the YouTube web series, NathanAndRose. He also writes for several online sources, as well as having a nearly insatiable love for jalapeno pizza.