8 GIFs of Selena Gomez Squirming Around
This week, the music video for Selena Gomez's song, Good For You, was released. Matching the hyper-sensual feel of the song, the video features Selena Gomez as she, essentially, just squirms around for three minutes and fifteen seconds (albeit, in an undeniably sexy way). Enjoy!
- 10 years ago by NathanHutchcraft
8 - Squirming in a ...Wet Jail Cell?
You kinda lost me here... ...nah, who am I kidding. I'm still into it.

Nathan Hutchcraft is the creator and co-host of the YouTube web series, NathanAndRose. He also writes for several online sources, as well as having a nearly insatiable love for jalapeno pizza.
Joined On May 13th 2015