11 Amazing Time Lapse GIFs to Change your View of Earth
We live in an amazing world with endless wonders to observe. Before photography existed, however, we were stuck observing the world at our own speed. But there are so many things that happen way to slow or way too fast for us to understand. For slow processes, there is time lapse photography; a technique used to show how really slow events would appear if they were sped up. Seeing the world in this way can be very humbling, and remind us how delicate of a thing this rock that we call home, actually is.
- 10 years ago by NathanHutchcraft
1 - Earthspin
By speeding up the normal processes of nature, we can actually begin to see our own place in the universe, and how small we really are. Time lapse shots of the stars can begin to show how feeble of a rock Earth is; spinning through the skies.

2 - Four Seasons
Turning an entire year into just one second, you can begin to get an idea of the drastic change that the landscape goes through in any given year.

3 - Fungi
Life can be weird. Nobody is denying that, but when you see certain slow processes, like the growing of a mushroom, you get a feel for exactly how bazaar things can actually get.

4 - Living City
Time lapse has a way of taking something that we might know very well (like our own city), and showing us how much it actually resembles a living organism.

6 - Beach Flight
A hyperlapse (time lapse photography with a moving camera), can show you a great distance in just a short amount of time.

7 - Liquid Sky
The sky is made of air, which behaves a lot like a liquid; only much, much slower. By slowing down the clouds in a storm, we can see how turbulent clouds can actually move very similarly to water.

8 - Crawling River
Over time, rivers carve out the land around them and are always making new paths through the ground. When sped up, this can make a giant river, look like a little stream of water snaking across a table.

9 - Return to Soil
Even a process that we would not normally consider to be very attractive, like decay, can be turned into a work of art with time lapse photography.

10 - A Brace in Time
Medical fixes like braces can take so long to work, that we can start to think they aren't even doing any good. A fast forward glimpse of the treatment, however, shows it's drastic effect.

11 - Growth Spurt
The growth of our children and pets is something that usually takes steady measurements over a long time to fully comprehend. We all had those marks in a doorway of our childhood home, measuring our change in height over time. Time lapse can show you more than just a slowly ascending line, however. You can see the full development of an person or animal in just a few seconds.

Nathan Hutchcraft is the creator and co-host of the YouTube web series, NathanAndRose. He also writes for several online sources, as well as having a nearly insatiable love for jalapeno pizza.