Top YouTube Videos of the Week
These are the top YouTube videos* of the week of June 21st. *(by 'Top YouTube Videos', I mean my favorite videos. Deal with it)
- 10 years ago by NathanHutchcraft
1 - Remove Cat Before Flight
Apparently 'check inside wing for napping cat' was not on the pre-flight checklist.
Source2 - Not the Confederate Flag
With so much controversy over the confederate flag lately, CGP Grey breaks down the history of the confederate flag, and shows how, what we think of as the confederate flag was never actually the flag for the confederacy.
Source3 - That's What Happens When You Park in a Handicap Spot in Brazil
This guy finds out what happens when you... well, you get it.
Source4 - The President Speaks on the Supreme Court’s Decision on Marriage Equality
The United States Supreme Court made a groundbreaking ruling, this week, legalizing same-sex marriage across all 50 states. This video from The White House YouTube channel, shows the presidents remarks following the ruling.
Source5 - Evolution of Michael Jackson - Pentatonix
The pop, vocal group, Pentatonix, throws out another hit, as they go through a tour of Michael Jackson's career in their regular, mind-blowing, a capella style.
Source6 - They Might Be Giants cover Destiny's Child's "Bills, Bills, Bills"
On a recent episode of the A.V. Club, They Might Be Giants performed their version of Destiny's Child's classic, "Bills, Bills, Bills".
Source7 - Brave Pet Cat Stands Up To Mountain Lion - Cute Cats VS Mountain Lion
This title about says it all. This is definitely not a... SCAREDY CAT! ...See what I did there? It makes sense though; who would be scared of a cougar when you have... 9 LIVES!!! Ok, I'll stop. I'm sorry.
Source8 - Moose Rider
I've watched this video several times to check for validity. Either way, I'm going to imagine that it is real, because I prefer to live in a world where this stunt actually went down.
Source9 - OMG !! What is BEAR doing
This woman is very concerned for the safety of this baby bear cub, as it attempts to scale a cliff wall after its mother.
Source10 - When You Think No One Is Looking
Talk about... JACKING OFF!!! Lolololol ...For real, though. This man has one SERIOUSLY interesting relationship with his car jack.
Source11 - BONUS VIDEO: Sugar Glider Practices Flying in Front of Fan
This is just the cutest thing you are going to see all weekend. Enjoy.
Nathan Hutchcraft is the creator and co-host of the YouTube web series, NathanAndRose. He also writes for several online sources, as well as having a nearly insatiable love for jalapeno pizza.