12 Stunning Electron Microscope Images
Electron microscopes allow us to see things that we could never see through a normal microscope. A limit is reached with traditional microscopes, where if you zoom in far enough, you are actually looking at distances smaller than light waves, and everything gets blurry. But an electron microscope fires electrons at an object a records there echo, allowing them to view objects way smaller than ever before. Here are some everyday things that you've never seen quite like this!
- 10 years ago by NathanHutchcraft
1 - Household Dust
This particular sample features human hair, animal hair, man-made and natural fibers, some pollen, and insect body part remains. Yum!

2 - Beard Hairs
This shows beard hair, cut with a razor on the left, and with an electric shaver on the right. That explains why I've always hated electric shavers.

Nathan Hutchcraft is the creator and co-host of the YouTube web series, NathanAndRose. He also writes for several online sources, as well as having a nearly insatiable love for jalapeno pizza.